We all need a little strength sometimes – Healing Hematite gemstone and information

Ah the beauty of Hematite…. A little info on it and it’s healing properties.
Hemtate healing crystal for protection

Hematite is one of those types of stones that you almost always see at a gem show and rock shops you stumble across in your travels.  It’s found in various places across the world and that’s probably the reason why it seems like a more commonly seen gemstone. We are usually drawn to it because it’s so shiny and pretty! In it’s natural state, it’s somewhat dull looking but when it gets polished! YOWSA!!

On the MOHS hardness scale, it’s between a 5 – 6, which means it’s pretty hard.  The interesting thing about hematite is that it’s also very heavy (or dense).  It’s actually a mineral from the Iron Oxide family which gives it more weight that you would expect for the size of the stone.  That’s important when you are choosing jewelry online and you can’t hold it, to realize that this gem may weight a bit more than you think.  Always ask if you would like to know the weight of your jewelry before purchasing. Personally I have worn hematite rings throughout the years and I have also found that if they are dropped on hard surface, they do tend to break.  So if you have a stone ring, take it off carefully when you removing it.

A lot of my clients who I have worked with over the years, have told me how the temperature changes on the gem when they wear it.  It begins cool against the skin and then warms to your body temperature, making it a lovely companion piece.

A little side note on Magnetic Hematite:  I have worked with it over the years and it’s very important to note that natural hematite is not very magnetic at all.  If you are purchasing magnetic jewelry please note that it is treated to achieve this goal.  I do sell magnetic jewelry so if you are looking for a piece, please visit Wicked Stones and I may be able to custom make you something special just for you.

It’s interesting to note that in ancient times, Hematite was crushed and mixed with liquids to use as paints.  You can find such examples (or pictographs) across the world that date back over 40 000 years! I was lucky enough to visit several locations in our Ontario Provincial Parks that have the most awesome historical pieces (one in Sault St. Marie area and one near Bancroft Ontario).

If you are searching for the healing properties of Hematite, here’s a bit of info for you.  Hematite is helpful for the following:

  • Boosting low self esteem
  • Protection
  • Grounding energy (makes you feel centered and strong when life is going a bit wild around you)
  • Courage to face changes in your life
  • Reflects back negative energy being directed at you
  • Divination (fortune telling, tarot card readings, astral travel)
  • Meditation
  • Will power

Hematite is also a gem for your root chakra healing and balancing.  The Root chakra is also called the Muladharaor or Base Chakra.  This chakra helps you to feel stable and centered with both feet on the ground.  Let me put this in a very easy way:  You know that feeling you get when life is going a bit wild on you and you just want everyone to stop because you are feeling overwhelmed with so much going on? By working with this chakra, you can help yourself to feel more “centered” in what is happening around you and focused with confidence and strength.  Your root chakra is like your tree roots that keep you anchored to the planet and feeling strong!

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of info on Hematite.

Cheers from the Rock Lab!


Find Peace in your daily life with Yoga and Meditation Stones

A few years ago I went to my first Yoga class and I have to say, I was hooked from the start!

Thank you http://cliparts.co/free-yoga-clipart for the use of this image
Thank you http://cliparts.co for the use of this image

I loved how I felt during the class and the amazing feeling of calmness that I had for days afterwards.  It was at that point that I started working with healing stones to help enhance and make a deeper meditative connection to this healing process.  (I wont be posting a photo of me doing Yoga here anytime soon as I’m about as graceful as a ostrich in a mud puddle and you’d just laugh yourself off your chair.) 🙂


Once the class was over, I noticed that my stones carried a residual energy of my experiences… it was lovely!! So I decided to being hand crafting a line of jewelry to pass that potential feeling along to you.

Here are a few ideas of gemstones you could wear to help you during your Yoga and meditation practices.

Amethyst:  During meditations Amethyst helps to turn thoughts away from the mundane into tranquility and deeper understanding. It is a stone of new ideas.

Amethyst for deeper meditation

Quartz Crystal has an enlightening effect on all the Chakras and helps to eliminate negative energy. Often used as a “cleansing” stone to restore positive energy and used in meditations. It raises energy and aids concentration.  Some use this stone for divination, building psychic abilities and helping during meditations. It also amplifies any innate psychic or healing powers and is used to increase the power of prayer (especially for healing).

Diamond Window Quartz wire wrap by Wicked Stones

Carnelian:  During meditation it can help to remove extraneous thoughts and sharpen your concentration.  It calms anger, emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life.  It is a grounding stone that anchors you in the present reality and stabilizes with high energy.

Hand crafted carnelian bracelet by wicked stones

These are just a few ideas and I’ll be posting more as my blog grows larger and larger…

Please note though.. if you are going to wear a stone pendant you should consider using a shorter necklace length so that the stone does not hang down in front of your face during some Yoga poses.

Finding the Artist inside of you! Gems for Creativity

Yes, in my secret world beyond this computer screen, I’m an artist.

Vikki Soros - My secret life away from the rocks and gems

I spent several years of my life in College here in Northern Ontario and met some amazing people who helped me to be able to reach inside of myself and bring out my creative side.  Being creative is an incredibly healing way of letting your inner thoughts be released into the universe!

An artist is not just one who paints or draws, an artist is someone who writes, or speaks.. or works with various medium that might seem non traditional to others.  It might be photography, crafting, working with clay, telling stories, singing, dancing… there are no limits to what lays inside of you that you can tap into for expression.

Vikki Soros working on a paddle artwork donation for the Sudbury Theater Center

So now let’s tie my two passions together shall we? Yes, you can use gemstones to help you to reach inside of yourself to find that creative spark!

How does that work exactly? Well, its tricky since I can’t really see inside of your brain to see how you are personally wired 🙂 So I’ll try to simplify things for you.  Gemstones are again, like Trigger tools (like I talked about in my previous post about dealing with stress here in this blog).  Working with crystals and gems is an ancient art that has been used for many rotations of our planet.

Gems emit an energy that you can connect to and depending on the stone type, this energy can help work with an area of change you are seeking.  In this case, we’re talking today about creativity.  Over time, those who have worked with gems have recorded their findings – even my own clients have gotten back to me over the decades to talk to me about how individual crystals work with them and benefit their lives.

Working with healing stones at Wicked Stones
Working with healing stones at Wicked Stones

People, just like you, have connected with particular stones for their needs and found that they do help.  It has been used for so long now that others have written books about these findings and they are now being used by the masses as reference points to use for gemstone healing.

So how do I use them?

Because stones emit an energy that helps to connect (or align) with your creativity, the best method is to begin wearing a particular type of stone that really calls to you.  When I say “calls to you” I mean, that emotionally you get a feeling of “OOOAHH” when you see it and you just know you want to have this in your life.

Let the stone connect with you and be a part of your creative process and be aware that it is with you on this journey.  After a time, you and your stone will develop a sort of kinship or bond that you may find will help uplift your mind and spirit to connect with those energies you need for creative thinking.

We are all individuals and a stone that might work for person (a) may not work for person (b). So when choosing YOUR gem, don’t let others try to tell you what you should have.  Use your instincts to pick your healing stone, do your research on what a stone can do and then, go with your hearts desire 🙂

Be Creative!
Be Inspired!

You can do it…. 🙂

And ps.. I use gems personally when I am suffering from writers block as well as when I’m working with paints and other artist’s media.